Those who know me know I am a music lover and pursue it in it's many forms.
When I discover new and interesting works that don't follow the 'pop' formula; I like to tell you about them. It always thrills me to discover someone who has a vision that extends past the hook or catchy lyric.
Today I give you such a Winter looms on our calendars and Autumn plays out it's colorful existence, I look for something that is both reflective and insightful. In walks Peter Billie Larsen with new track in hand. (Well at least in the internet sense of discovery.)
Clicking the play button on a new work you never know what to expect. In Piano Sonata No. 8 (Porcelain Snowflakes), Larsen delivers an evocative, stark landscape of cool reflective notes. They stream into your ears as you find yourself walking across a snow covered landscape alone with quiet time for reflection. Maybe your landscape will be different than mine? Meanwhile, Larsen increases the quality of art in all of our landscapes with his creative output, listen to this lovely song and enjoy much more time pursuing his online catalog of work. I will be....