Thursday, November 20, 2014

Rasplyn's "Scenes Through the Magic Eye"

I always enjoy finding a creation that stands apart from the usual. Carolyn O'Neill's debut release, Rasplyn's "Scenes Through the Magic Eye" is one such step into the creative ether. 

Both haunting and atmospheric this piece and the album as a whole paint very vivid and atmospheric soundscapes. The music in this lends itself to soundtracks for movies, stage, gaming and just chilling to a stream of sound that takes you on a journey across the backlot of your mind. 

I found a little info on O' Neill's project, knowing that once you hear this your curiosity will be raised and the info you seek is here at hand for your convenience:

Rasplyn's "Scenes Through the Magic Eye" is Carolyn O'Neill's debut release on the experimental music label, Mythical Records. 
Rasplyn is the solo project of Carolyn O’Neill who uses her experience with classical composition and film to create mystical and visual landscapes with her music. Carolyn is a Chicago native who grew up playing the clarinet and organ. After playing in her high school orchestra for four years she went on to receive her degree in Music Composition from Columbia College Chicago. Her music is dark, but beautiful and filled with textured layers influenced by world culture and fantasy. Her style is transforming as she experiments with adding vocal elements into the environments she creates. Her debut album "Scenes Through the Magic Eye" is due to be released on Mythical Records on November 30th, 2014.


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Fleetwood Mac "The Chain" (Structure Remix)

I was fortunate enough to have one of artist, Structure's new Fleetwood Mac remix of their classix tune, The Chain. Just running the concept of that through my mind before hearing it had me curious. Rumours is one of my favorite albums, The Chain one of my favorite songs, not one I've heard covered with much variation over the years. I was soon jarred into a different direction though upon streaming this vibrant remix of a '70s classic. All those decades ago I would have never imagined this take on the tune but Structure has moved this rock classic into the 21st century with this timely remix of the recently reunited Fleetwood Mac. Check out this creative spin and see for yourself


Saturday, November 15, 2014

Frostfire Coke Montilla featuring Emma Mcneill Dancing Alone

Sometimes I am fortunate enough to get a behind the scenes preview of upcoming hot new tunes.
This weekend one of those tracks arrived and I was given the previlige of sharing the new preview with all of you before the full work hits the music scene.

Today you can prepare for an energy filled house mix packed with a mix of genres that create a tasty high energy groove that will leave you anxiously awaiting the final release from Frostfire & Coke Montilla Featuring Emma McNeill. So check out this hot new tune, "Dancing Alone" and be prepared to get up and dance...


Friday, October 24, 2014

Peter Bille Larsen Piano Sonata No. 8 (Porcelain Snowflakes)

Those who know me know I am a music lover and pursue it in it's many forms.
When I discover new and interesting works that don't follow the 'pop' formula; I like to tell you about them. It always thrills me to discover someone who has a vision that extends past the hook or catchy lyric.

Today I give you such a Winter looms on our calendars and Autumn plays out it's colorful existence, I look for something that is both reflective and insightful. In walks Peter Billie Larsen with new track in hand. (Well at least in the internet sense of discovery.)

Clicking the play button on a new work you never know what to expect. In Piano Sonata No. 8 (Porcelain Snowflakes), Larsen delivers an evocative, stark landscape of cool reflective notes. They stream into your ears as you find yourself walking across a snow covered landscape alone with quiet time for reflection. Maybe your landscape will be different than mine? Meanwhile, Larsen increases the quality of art in all of our landscapes with his creative output, listen to this lovely song and enjoy much more time pursuing his online catalog of work. I will be....

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Tiny Worlds

Monday, July 21, 2014

Synergy has been putting feet on the dance floor with their upbeat energized sounds of smooth groove for awhile and continue to do so with their new release forthcoming..."Oxygen".
This track, "Superman" invokes the iconic names powerful presence and glides into your mind with a smooth flow of sweet notes. This is the kind of music you can relax and fall into the groove with.
Having worked with many stars like The Ministries of Sound, Synergy brings in vocalist, Lenore Bowdler who's voice is silky and evocative. A perfect match for this fun tune full of energy.
Check 'em out on you'll be listening and dancing for awhile....have fun!

A great vocal with a superb top line, this is super.... man!

Synergy - Superman

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Dog of Panic's sound can only be described as rock with roots in jam, funk, metal, and punk. They accommodate even the most eclectic ears. Too metal to be hippie, and too hippie to be metal, the band has a stigma of surprising the ears with collisions of off-time beats and harmonic melodies. The band’s musical influences include Primus, Tool, Between the Buried and Me, Incubus and Umphrey’s Mcgee
Dog of Panic enters your ears with their tunes and leave a residue there that has you wanting more of the same. This band rocks! In a pop filled music world, most artist tend to focus on one style and one sound because their marketing gurus tell them that's what they have to do to succeed.

Artist like these band mates; Daniel Joseph Rohde (Composition, Lyrics, Vocals, Guitar Composition), Jason Holmes (Drums/Percussion Composition), Josh Begué (Bass Performance and Composition), Chris Maxey (Lead Guitar Composition, Bass Composition) are to be admired they are creative and branch out in different directions letting their talents lead them. So you end up with awesome original grooves that don't get boring.

I got hooked listening to "Sauce or No Sauce?" a tune that gets you grooving from the start and makes you smile because some folks are still creating new directions and Dog of Panic is one of those groups of folks. Have yourself a listen....hey support the independents, too pick up their album while you are listening too.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Lions Named Leo put a smile on my face and made me want to get up and groove when I discovered them at soundcloud today. When you want a positive, high energy groove with a lof of fun mixed in, look no further than Lions Named Leo. One of my new favorite discoveries and one I know you'll love too. "Can I Want The World There Too" is filled with that Ska energy I'm talking about. Be sure to check their other tunes too, they have a diverse group of talented musicians who bring a lot of creativity in their work, so quit reading this and go check 'em out....

Monday, July 7, 2014

Illustration and a Beer

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Creative artist get bullied by youtube

YouTube to block indie labels who don't sign up to new music service