Friday, September 21, 2012

Wrangling Blogs or Choose Your Blogging Platform

With lots of Blogs lurking around the web, a few have my name on them. Trying to sync all of this content together is a challenge. Yet in the process I am learning a lot of valuable information and getting the hands on experience to determine which blogging platform is most worthy of my valuable time.
The current contenders are as follows which is the same as
Probably a few I missed but that is the gist of it all. We did loose along the way, to bad it was pretty sweet. aka the google owned blog site  has recently gone through some upgrades and changes; so if you haven't used it lately expect to learn some new things. It is an improvement so far.
wordpress used to be included in all of my hosted web sites But I've moved away from that labor intensive nightmare, Had to decide to either focus on codes and web building or creating content for readers, I chose the creative route with no hesitation. I shut all of that down and for what little I use it, wordpress has been utilized on their free blogging site at Sure I loose some flexible options from but my sheer anger toward some of the lunacy in the coding side of things is now a thing of the past, it's like saying goodbye to internet 1.0!
Meanwhile offers a very elegant and user friendly platform with their free blog service. And while they have the choicest url for blogging, they have not jumped to the head of the pack yet. But I enjoy their site. once the hotspot for young folks, has lost it's edge a few years back and in the process been purchased by a company in Russia. The crowd left and the place almost has an echo when you visit, but it still has some nice easy to use features if you want to get up and running soon. was another of the early blog communities that saw huge growth then a huge drop in traffic due to bad press. It is still a nice platform and is functioning with more potential than
Of course I saved my personal favorite for last. While usually classified as a micro blogging site, is one of the most visited domains on the internet. It is extremely simple to use and quiet flexible if you want to grow or customize things. The content on the site is always creative and top notch.  It presents wonderfully on the mobile phone app, flipboard which is available on both iphones and android phones. If I had to eliminate all blogs and focus on just one; tumblr wins hands down!

Anyway that is some random thoughts streaming out of my brain as I ponder all of this. Don't waste anymore time go blog something now.

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